How direct cash transfers improve outcomes for maternal health, early childhood, child welfare, cancer care, and more
A panel discussion on creating social impact through the flexible tool of direct cash
Broadcast date:
Tuesday, November 14, 12 noon to 1 PM ET
Moderated by Katherina Rosqueta, founding executive director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP), the conversation includes perspectives from funders who have used the tool of direct cash transfers to create social impacts in maternal health, educational outcomes, and child welfare. You’ll also hear from the founding co-director of the academic research center studying the use of direct cash transfers. Panelists: Anneliese Barron of One Family Foundation; Professor Amy Castro of Penn’s Center for Guaranteed Income Research (CGIR); Holly Fogle of the Bridge Project, and Rashanda Perryman of the Vanguard Group Foundation.
CHIP Guidance
CGIR Resources and Research
About the participants

Anneliese Barron is the executive director of the One Family Foundation. Founded by Bradley Cooper, the One Family Foundation is working to ease the burden on patients and loved ones impacted by cancer, so they can focus on getting the treatment they need and deserve.

Amy Castro, PhD, MSW is an Associate Professor at the University of Pennsylvania in the School of Social Policy & Practice and is the Co-Founder and faculty director of the Center for Guaranteed Income Research. Her work explores economic mobility, guaranteed income, innovation, and disparities in housing and lending. She served as the Co-PI of the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration under former Mayor Michael Tubbs which, lead to a proliferation of experimentation with unconditional cash across the U.S. Dr. Castro is the Co-PI of 30 applied cash-transfer studies housed at CGIR where she currently advises more than 20 Mayoral teams, state, and county legislators on unconditional cash research.

Holly Fogle is the co-Founder and co-Executive Director of Nido de Esperanza (Nest of Hope) in New York City where she spends her time working with immigrant families and their young children living in poverty. Holly is also the co-founder of The Bridge Project, New York City’s first direct cash program, designed to support babies living in poverty with unconditional cash during the first 1,000 days of their live

Rashanda Perryman is a Program Officer at Vanguard in the Corporate Philanthropy Division. She was former Program Officer at the William Penn Foundation in Philadelphia, PA. Rashanda has spent 20 years in early learning and has worked her way through the field starting as a preschool teacher in a community based child care center and a caseworker in child care subsidy management. For the last decade she has worked in early childhood public policy at both the Ounce of Prevention Fund in Chicago, IL and the Children’s Defense Fund in Washington, DC.

Katherina ‘Kat’ M. Rosqueta is the founding executive director of the Center for High Impact Philanthropy and faculty co-director of High Impact Philanthropy Academy at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Social Policy & Practice (SP2). Founded as a collaboration between SP2 and alumni of the Wharton School, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy is the premier source of knowledge and education on how philanthropy can do more good. She is a frequent writer and speaker on philanthropy for social impact and was the recipient of the 2012 Wharton Women in Business Distinguished Alumna Award.