This annual giving toolkit is one way we advance our center’s mission: to provide knowledge and education so that philanthropy can do more good. Each year, we take the best of our guidance, our partners’ work, and resources developed by others in the field. We then translate all of it into a free, downloadable PDF and a companion website. Thanks to our sponsors, the toolkit is available for free, so that anyone — whether they have $10 or a billion dollars — can make a bigger difference with their giving.
In this document, you will find:
How you can practice high impact philanthropy.
Four high-level strategies — or plays — that philanthropy can fund, no matter what cause or geographic community you care about. This section includes examples drawn from our partners at Lever for Change.
Profiles of nine nonprofits employing strategies that present opportunities for high impact philanthropy. These exemplars are sourced from our partners, GreenLight Fund and the Lipman Family Prize and are independently analyzed by our team.
Curated resources for nonprofit due diligence, advancing equality, high-quality research on cause areas and programs, and effective disaster relief.
Tips for avoiding fraud.
Videos of funders discussing pathways to impact and strategies they use, including direct cash transfers.
Additional nonprofits using models for impact similar to the nine profiled here, but working in other communities.
Guidance on effective crisis-grantmaking, which is critical given the increases in natural and man-made disasters.
As always, we hope this toolkit and our team’s efforts help you translate your generosity and good intentions into greater social impact.

Platinum Sponsor
Fidelity Charitable is an independent public charity that has helped donors support more than 328,000 nonprofit organizations with $51 billion in grants. Established in 1991, Fidelity Charitable launched the first national donor-advised fund program. The mission of the organization is to grow the American tradition of philanthropy by providing programs that make charitable giving accessible, simple, and effective.