The XX Factor: A Comprehensive Framework for Improving the Lives of Women & Girls
- Kate Barrett, Project Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
- Rebecca Hobble, Analyst, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
- Katherina Rosqueta, Founding Executive Director at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy and adjunct faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice
The XX Factor Guidebook: How to Align Financial Investments to Improve the Lives of Women & Girls
- Rebecca A. Meyer, Project Co-Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy; impact investing and family governance consultant to families and their advisors
- Teresa Araco Rodgers, Project Co-Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy; executive director for private foundations; and an active mission-aligned investor
- Katherina M. Rosqueta, Founding Executive Director, Center for High Impact Philanthropy and adjunct faculty at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy & Practice
- Rebecca Hobble, Analyst, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
The XX Factor: A Comprehensive Framework for Improving the Lives of Women & Girls
The following individuals provided expert guidance to this effort as members of this project’s Research Advisory Board:
- Paul Heller, senior fellow at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy and former Vanguard Managing Director and Chief Information Officer
- Dick Henriques, senior fellow at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy; former CFO of the Gates Foundation; former Senior Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller at Merck
- Carol McLaughlin, founding team member and senior advisor for global public health at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy; Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine; Director, Global Health Equities Track, internal medicine residency
- Katherine Klein, Edward H. Bowman Professor of Management, The Wharton School; Vice-Dean, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
- Sherryl Kuhlman, Managing Director of the Wharton Social Impact Initiative
- Jennifer Prah Ruger, Amartya Sen Professor of Health Equity, Economics and Policy, School of Social Policy & Practice at the University of Pennsylvania; Director of Masters in Social Policy Program; Associate Dean for Global Studies
- Ruth Shaber, President of Tara Health Foundation; former Medical Director of the Kaiser Permanente Care Management Institute, and former Director of Women’s Health for the Northern California Division of Kaiser Permanente
- Susan B. Sorenson, Professor of Social Policy at the School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Health & Societies at the College of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania; Senior Fellow in public health; Director of the Evelyn Jacobs Ortner Center on Family Violence
We would also like to thank the following people who shared their expertise, offered insights, or provided feedback on this report:
Suzanne Biegel, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Humaira Faiz, Arabella Advisors
Sampriti Ganguli, Arabella Advisors
Rivka Gordon, Tara Health Foundation
Emiko Higashi, Tara Health Foundation
Dean Karlan, Yale University
Jennifer Kenning, Align Impact
Anne Lebleu, Arabella Advisors
Danielle Wolfe, M. Night Shyamalan Foundation
Special Thanks
Sandra Hunt and Maureen Lally from the Wharton Social Impact Initiative for ongoing input and thought partnership throughout the project; Emily Paterson and Diana Zhou for research assistance; Kate Hovde and Molly Sinderbrand for research review and feedback throughout the project; Amber Hu and Anne Ferola for marketing and communications support; Sarah Gormley and Mariel Featherstone for project coordination.
The XX Factor Guidebook: How to Align Financial Investments to Improve the Lives of Women & Girls
The following individuals provided expert guidance to this effort as members of this project’s Industry Advisory Board:
- Ron Albahary, Former Chief Investment Officer, Threshold Group; Senior Advisor, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
- Jo Andrews, Co-founder & Director of Social Impact, Equileap
- Kate Barrett, Senior Manager of Community Affairs & Program Manager, Campbell Soup Company
- Suzanne Biegel, Founder, Women Effect; Founder, Catalyst at Large; Senior Gender Lens Investing Advisor, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
- Madison England, Project Manager, Gender-Equality Index, Bloomberg
- Patricia Farrar-Rivas, CEO & Founding Principal, Veris Wealth Partners
- Paul Heller, Senior Fellow, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
- Emiko Higashi, Board Treasurer, Tara Health Foundation
- Jenn Kenning, CEO & Co-founder, Align Impact
- Sherryl Kuhlman, Managing Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
- Matt Patsky, CEO & Portfolio Manager, Trillium Investments
- Cathy Schreiber, Cathy Schreiber Consulting; Former COO, Women’s Foundation of California
- Ruth Shaber, Founder & President, Tara Health Foundation
- Lenora Suki, Head, Sustainable Finance Product Strategy, Bloomberg
- Mathias Terheggen, Independent Consultant and Impact Advisor; Former Managing Director, EDGE Certified Foundation
- Jackie Vanderbrug, Managing Director and Investment Strategist, US Trust
We would also like to thank the following people who shared their expertise, offered insights, connected us to others or provided feedback on this guide:
Melissa Beck, Executive Director, The Educational Foundation of America
Jason Britton, CIO, Work Capital
Casey Clark, Director of Sustainable and Impact Investing, Glenmede
Stephanie Cohn-Rupp, Managing Director and Principal, Impact Investing, Tiedemann Wealth Management
Carra Cote-Ackah, Executive Director of Community Stewardship, The Vanguard Group; Board Member, Surdna Foundation; Senior Fellow, Center for High Impact Philanthropy
Mary Foust, SVP, Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Sandra Maro Hunt, Senior Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Katherine Klein, Vice Dean, Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Laura LaRosa, Executive Director of Client Development, Glenmede
Robert Lutey
Annarie Lyles
Allyson McDonald, CEO, Work Capital
Alena Meeker, SVP, Wealth Management Advisor, Merrill Lynch Wealth Management
Jason Moyers, VP, Financial Advisor, Skyline Wealth Management
Susan P. Mucciarone, Executive Director of Private Wealth Management, Glenmede
Deb Nelson, Vice President, Client and Community Engagement, RSF Social Finance
Reema Shah
Suzanne Sheuerman, SVP, Financial Advisor, Skyline Wealth Management
Leigh Wood
Special thanks go to the following colleagues at the Center for High Impact Philanthropy for their assistance and support: Sarah Gormley, Associate Director, Administration and Knowledge Management; Mariel Featherstone, Program Assistant; Anne Ferola, Director of Education and Strategic Partnerships; Diana Zhou, Student Research Assistant

This work was made possible through the generous financial support of Tara Health Foundation, and was done in collaboration with the Wharton Social Impact Initiative.