Philanthropy & Investing Strategies

Philanthropy & Investing Strategies


Talent for Giving: Building the Team to Help You Do Good

Learn how high net worth donors can identify people and networks to help create more impact with their giving. The Center for High Impact Philanthropy’s Katherina Rosqueta, Dick Henriques, Neha Butala, Hanh La, and Kelly Andrews share new guidance for philanthropists and donors.

Our Guidance


Talent for Giving: Building the Team to Help You Do Good

For high net worth donors, the potential to create positive social change is significant. The question is: how do you identify the right talent and build the team to realize that potential? This guidebook is our answer to that question.

Talent for Giving: Building the Team to Help You Do Good, A guide for high net worth donors, has strategies for finding the people, talent, and networks to help you do more good with your giving.

Program-Related Investments

Program-Related Investments

In this paper you will find an explanation of the barriers to mission investing, also known as Program Related Investment and Mission Related Investment, and a concluding hypothesis about what it will take to help remove the barriers.

Educating foundation leadership, building foundation staff expertise, improving data quality and lowering the cost of making a mission investment are all issues to understand and address. If our hypothesis is correct, the time is now to build the necessary data, education and support capabilities to help private foundations better access private sector investment tools to advance their mission.

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The XX Factor: A Framework and Guidebook for Improving the Lives of Women and Girls

Globally, one of the most powerful ways to create social impact is to improve the lives of women and girls. But what does it mean to ‘improve the lives of women and girls’ and how can you know whether you’re really making a difference? To answer these questions, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP), with the generous support of the Tara Health Foundation, identified The XX Factor, the five dimensions of women’s lives.

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Women's Index: Developing a Tool for Aligning Financial Investments with Gender Equity

The XX Factor identified five dimensions foundational for the lives of women and girls: health, education, economic empowerment, personal safety, and legal rights. For the Women’s Index, CHIP in collaboration with Women of the World Endowment conducted research and analysis of social impact indicators available to inform investment with a gender focus within the sovereign debt space.

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Bold Ideas for Philanthropists to Drive Social Change

In this guidance, you’ll find the best ideas from the 1,904 proposed solutions submitted to 100&Change. MacArthur assembled a list of its Top 200 and from there chose eight semifinalists. But rather than leave the remaining 192 on the cutting room floor, MacArthur turned to CHIP.

For this work, we initially analyzed each of the 192 applications to understand the social impact goal – i.e., what is the meaningful, positive change the applicant seeks to create? We considered the problem the organization was trying to solve, who would be impacted by the solution, and how their lives would improve.


SeaChange: An Opt-In Approach to Program Related Investment

In this paper, SeaChange Capital Partners describe how they have put PRI in action through the New York Pooled PRI Fund (NYPRI), a flexible, high-impact loans to New York City nonprofits while also offering attractive program-related investment PRI opportunities to foundations. With  12 participating foundations, NYPRI has facilitated increased PRI-making by its participants and  provided loans to 19 nonprofits that would not otherwise have had access to capital for their projects.

Read how NYPRI combines an efficient investment process with an “opt-in” funding model that could be used by other foundations to help them invest their capital in nonprofits in their own communities.


Kat Rosqueta quoted in Chronicle of Philanthropy article on philanthropic advising

“Advisors to the ultra-wealthy are on the front lines of philanthropy, and their influence is growing. Their services range from high-level help with strategic…

Kat Rosqueta quoted in AP News article on barriers to giving

Private and open conversations between donors also help them move forward, advisers have found. The Center for High Impact Philanthropy at University of Pennsylvania…

Takeaways on international philanthropy from the UN General Assembly and Climate Week

The September opening of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), occurring concurrently with Climate Week and other global development events, has become a crucial…