Jesus Luis Zuniga IV is pursuing a dual master’s in international educational development and nonprofit leadership in the Graduate School of Education and the School of Social Policy & Practice, respectively. Zuniga studied economics as an undergraduate at Amherst College and previously worked in investment banking before transitioning to a career in educational development. After learning about CHIP through an instructor at SP2, Zuniga jumped at the opportunity to apply what he’s learned in the classroom: “Working at CHIP is an opportunity to not just study in a class or make one grant, but be in a thinktank where this is what they do every day,” he said. As the SP2 Practicum Student at CHIP, Zuniga has applied both his professional experience and graduate studies to a research project exploring the increasing use of donor-advised funds (DAFs) as a vehicle for philanthropic giving, and the larger impact of DAFs on the social sector writ large. In addition to his dual master’s program and his work at CHIP, Zuniga is a 2023-2024 Lipman Family Prize Fellow.