Cecily Wallman-Stokes is a Principal Advisor, Head of Strategy at The Behavioural Insights Team. Prior to that, she held multiple positions at Everytown for Gun Safety. Formerly a senior analyst at the Center, her work covered a range of topics in international development and public health (including leading our guidance on substance use disorders), as well as cross-cutting issues of impact and metrics.
Cecily first joined the Center as a Social Impact Fellow. Previously, Cecily worked at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, focusing on the strategic analysis of vaccine delivery systems and the issues that differentiate what works in principle from what works in practice. Prior to her time Johns Hopkins, Cecily worked with the Agricultural Development; Economics team at the Bill; Melinda Gates foundation to assess the public health and economic impacts of agricultural interventions. She also spent three years in the domestic research team at the Guttmacher Institute, developing improved measurement approaches for the incidence of unwanted and unplanned pregnancy in the United States. Cecily holds a Masters of Public Administration from the University of Washington and a Bachelors of Science from Davidson College.