How Donors Can Support a Just Recovery From COVID
CHIP’s 2022 High Impact Giving Guide frames the knowledge gained and real-time implications from the continuing COVID pandemic, which has exposed and increased inequities in health, economic welfare, and education. We present real-life strategies that work and nonprofits that are deploying them to remedy some of the most pressing issues: learning recovery for children, mental health and addiction among emerging and vulnerable populations, and economic development for those whose livelihoods were impacted.
About the guide
At the end of each calendar year, CHIP releases an Annual High Impact Giving Guide filled with strategies for giving and opportunities to support organizations so that donors can make a bigger difference with their charitable giving. The guide is a rich resource that offers evidence-based approaches and tips on how to give throughout the next year.
The 2022 guide (to be released in December 2021) will focus on how donors can support a just recovery from COVID, with featured sections onlearning for early childhood through young adult, mental health for all ages,and economic recovery around the world. This year’s guide is sponsored through the generous support of Fidelity Charitable and with the collaboration of several partners — Campaign for Grade Level Reading, Greenlight Fund, Mindful Philanthropy, and Lipman Family Prize — to help us identify and amplify nonprofits that are making a difference.
The project will help donors fund effective response during the COVID pandemic and build greater resilience on a local, national, and international scale, including the nonprofits that serve each community. The scale of COVID-19’s effects means that funders everywhere need better tools for understanding where their funds can do the most good. As the crisis continues and we move from initial response to repeated waves and eventual recovery, donors have a chance to apply lessons learned from COVID to guide response toward high impact in some of the populations most effected. Instead of merely recovering to where we were before COVID, we have an opportunity to advance our communities and build back a stronger, more just world.
Get involved
Support efforts to help donors build stronger communities after COVID by getting involved with CHIP’s High Impact Giving Guide.