Our Education Programs

The Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) was founded to help philanthropists make the biggest difference possible with their charitable investments. Our flagship educational program, High Impact Philanthropy Academy, is accepting applications now.

Funder Executive Education

High Impact Philanthropy Academy

Penn’s High Impact Philanthropy Academy is designed for individual donors, professional grantmakers, and other philanthropic leaders seeking greater impact. Participants learn the principles of high impact philanthropy and how to apply them in real-world situations. Along with the program’s esteemed faculty, peer participants bring a wealth of experience and a valuable community of practice for long after the program ends. Accepting applications now for our next cohort.

Photo by Will Francis on Unsplash
Spring 2022, Wednesdays 3 pm-5:50 pm

MSSP 798-003: Social Policy Through Podcasting

In this class, students will experience hands-on learning about social policy through podcasting. Students will work collaboratively as a newsroom to produce three episodes of the new SP2 podcast, “Just Economics”, with Ioana Marinescu and Kat Rosqueta. The podcast explores what we actually know about how policies and labor markets work, including the science behind job creation and unemployment insurance.

Three female students examining a white board
Penn Students

Opportunities for Penn Graduate and Undergraduate Students

The Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP)’s team members teach and lecture in courses at the School of Social Policy & Practice, Wharton, and the Perelman School of Medicine, among others.


Events and Custom Engagements
Speaking Engagements

Members of our team serve as keynote and other featured speakers, moderators, and panelists for a wide range of events. For our current speaking fees, please contact impact@sp2.upenn.edu or call 215-573-7266. Examples include:

  • Keynote address on how to align philanthropy to improve the lives of women and girls
  • Panel event in Washington, DC, on effective strategies for funding mental health and addiction supports
  • Keynote address for Gates Foundation’s grantees and stakeholders focused on college success for underrepresented students across the country.
  • Lunch keynote annual conference of estate planning professionals.
  • Featured speakers for event on ensuring child success 
Workshops, Seminars, and Trainings

Workshops and webinars are often designed in collaboration with a key partner such as a philanthropic network or wealth advisory firm. Custom engagements are scoped and priced based on the goals and required timing of the project. For more information on these program, please email impact@sp2.upenn.edu. Examples include:

  • From Good Intentions to High Impact, a daylong workshop for funders, policymakers, and socially-minded wealthy families.
  • Advising Clients in High Impact Philanthropy, a 3 to 4 day program based on the content of our highly-rated Funder Executive Education program, this course is designed for wealth managers, family office professionals, and philanthropy advisors.
  • High Impact Giving, webinar for members of Exponent Philanthropy (formerly Association of Small Foundations)